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31 Neville Goddard Quotes on Love, Faith, Manifestation

If you landed on this post, chances are you know and/or at least heard of the inspiring Neville Goddard.  His profound insights have had great impacts on the lives of many since the 1900s. Listed here are Neville Goddard quotes that can shift your own reality too.

He believed you could only change your outer-world by going within, as it is only a reflection of your inner-world; what you are conscious of being.

More popularly known for his philosophy and token Law of Assumption, let this blog be the gateway to unlocking the power of your imagination.  Reshape your reality with these transformative Neville Goddard quotes.  We sifted through his many books and cherry picked the most powerful ideas regarding love, faith and manifestation.  So dive in and start manifesting desires!

Neville Goddard Quotes on Love

1. Love is the law that governs the universe

“Love is the law that governs the universe. When you understand the power of love and consciously align your thoughts and feelings with love, you become a magnet for all good things in life.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “Feeling is the Secret“)

2. Love is the greatest transformer of circumstances

“Love is the greatest transformer of circumstances. When you infuse every situation with love, you dissolve all limitations and obstacles, opening the way for miraculous changes and favorable outcomes.” 

– Neville Goddard (Book: “Your Faith is Your Fortune“)

3. Love is the creative power that brings all things into existence

“Love is the creative power that brings all things into existence. By embracing love as your fundamental state of being, you tap into the infinite creative potential within you, shaping your reality according to your desires.” 

– Neville Goddard (Book: “The Law and the Promise“)

4. Love is the key that unlocks the door to all blessings

“Love is the key that unlocks the door to all blessings. When you approach life with a heart filled with love and gratitude, you attract an abundance of blessings, joy, and fulfillment.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “Seedtime and Harvest“)

5. Love is the divine energy that flows through all of creation

“Love is the divine energy that flows through all of creation. It is the life force that animates everything, and when you align yourself with love, you become a conduit for miracles and profound transformations.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “At Your Command“)

6. Love is the secret ingredient that makes all dreams come true

“Love is the secret ingredient that makes all dreams come true. When you infuse your desires with genuine love and passion, you activate the creative forces of the universe, making the manifestation of your dreams inevitable.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “Prayer, the Art of Believing“)

7. Love is the catalyst for personal transformation and spiritual growth

“Love is the catalyst for personal transformation and spiritual growth. When you embrace love as the guiding principle of your life, you awaken to your true potential, expand your consciousness, and experience profound inner shifts.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: The Power of Awareness)

8. Love is the force that attracts abundance and prosperity

“Love is the force that attracts abundance and prosperity. By cultivating a mindset of love and abundance, you align yourself with the unlimited resources of the universe, attracting wealth and prosperity into your life.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “Awakened Imagination“)

9. Love is the highest vibration that connects us to the Source of all life

“Love is the highest vibration that connects us to the Source of all life. When you approach life with love, you harmonize with the divine essence within and around you, experiencing a deep sense of oneness and spiritual fulfillment.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “The Law and the Promise“)

10. Love is the essence of our true nature, the very fabric of our being

“Love is the essence of our true nature, the very fabric of our being. As you recognize and embody your inherent nature of love, you radiate love to others, creating a ripple effect of love and positivity in the world.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “The Neville Reader“)

Neville Goddard Quotes on Faith

11. Faith is loyalty to the unseen reality

“To believe that God’s promise of freedom from all limitation is a fact, we must be loyal to this unseen reality in our thoughts and actions.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “The Power of Awareness“)

12. Faith is the substance of things hoped for

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. When we have faith, we possess the substance of our desires, even though they are not yet physically manifest. Faith provides us with the evidence that our dreams are already fulfilled.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “Faith Is Your Fortune“)

13. Faith is loyalty to an unconditioned state of consciousness

“Faith is loyalty to an unconditioned state of consciousness. By remaining loyal to an unconditioned state of consciousness, we express faith in the unseen possibilities that exist beyond our current circumstances.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “Faith Is Your Fortune“)

14. Faith is the subjective appropriation of the objective hope

“Faith is the subjective appropriation of the objective hope. Through faith, we subjectively claim and embody the objective hope or desire we hold in our hearts. Faith bridges the gap between the desired outcome and its realization.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “The Law and the Promise“)

15. Faith is loyalty to an unchanging reality

“Faith is loyalty to an unchanging reality. By remaining loyal to the unchanging reality of our desired state, we manifest our faith and align ourselves with the divine principles that govern creation.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “Faith Is Your Fortune“)

16. Faith is the ability to see the invisible and believe in the incredible

“Faith is the ability to see the invisible and believe in the incredible. Through faith, we develop the ability to perceive the unseen possibilities and trust in the extraordinary outcomes that transcend the limitations of the ordinary.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “The Power of Awareness“)

17. Faith is knowing that what you want is already yours

“Faith is knowing that what you want is already yours. When we have true faith, we possess the inner knowing that our desires are already fulfilled in the realm of imagination and will soon be realized in our physical reality.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “The Law and the Promise“)

18. Faith is expectancy

“Faith is expectancy, the feeling of assurance that that which you desire is already yours. With faith, we cultivate a sense of joyful anticipation and deep assurance that our desires are already accomplished, leading us to act in alignment with the reality we expect.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “The Power of Awareness“)

19. Faith is the generator of miracles

“Faith is the generator of miracles. Through faith, we tap into the power of our mind to create miracles, transforming our reality and manifesting the extraordinary in our lives.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “The Power of Awareness“)

20. Faith is the means by which the power of the mind is used constructively and creatively

“Faith is the means by which the power of the mind is used constructively and creatively. When we embrace faith, we harness the creative power of our mind to constructively shape our reality, bringing about the fulfillment of our desires.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: “The Power of Awareness“)

Neville Goddard Quotes on Manifestation

21. Man is the cause of all that manifests

“Man is the cause of all that is manifest. It is through the feeling of his wish fulfilled that man realizes his desires. By consciously focusing on the feeling of already having your desires fulfilled, you align yourself with the reality you wish to create.”

– Neville Goddard

22. The feeling of the wish fulfilled must objectify the state of such feeling

“The feeling of the wish fulfilled, if assumed and sustained, must objectify the state that would have created such feeling. In other words, when you consistently hold onto the feeling of already having what you desire, it sets in motion the manifestation of the circumstances and events necessary to make it a tangible reality.”

– Neville Goddard

23. The only limit to your realization of tomorrow will be your doubts of today

“The only limit to your realization of tomorrow will be your doubts of today. Trust in the power of your intentions and stay focused on the positive outcome you seek, allowing your faith to overcome any doubts that may arise.”

– Neville Goddard

24. Imagination is the beginning of creation

“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will. You may say, ‘But I have always made my present world from a past memory. I have always imagined in the past.’ True! And by your past imaginal acts, you have already created the present world you inhabit.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: Awakened Imagination)

25. All transformation begins with an intense, burning desire to be transformed

“All transformation begins with an intense, burning desire to be transformed. Channel that desire into focused action and unwavering determination, and watch as you evolve into the version of yourself you’ve always aspired to be.”

– Neville Goddard

26. Man must stop blaming others and look within himself

“Man must stop blaming others for his misfortunes and look within himself for the cause of his problems and unhappiness. By taking full responsibility for one’s experiences and inner state, one gains the power to transform their circumstances and create a life filled with joy and abundance.”

– Neville Goddard

27. The secret to manifestation is to live in the end

“The secret to manifestation is to live in the end result as if it has already happened. By immersing yourself in the feelings, thoughts, and actions of your desired outcome, you align yourself with the energetic frequency that attracts the manifestation of your dreams into your physical reality.”

– Neville Goddard

28. Change your conception of yourself

“Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: The Law and the Promise)

29. There is nothing that you cannot be, do, or have

“There is nothing that you cannot be, do, or have when you have the right mindset and belief system. By adopting empowering beliefs and cultivating a mindset of limitless possibilities, you unleash your true potential and open the doors to endless opportunities for personal and professional growth.”

– Neville Goddard

30. Your imagination is the only way out

“Your imagination is the only way out. If you think from your desire rather than think of your desire, you will realize your desire. Thinking from the desire rather than thinking of the desire is the secret of successful living.”

– Neville Goddard (Book: Out of this World)

31. We are all creators, and the world is our canvas

“We are all creators, and the world is our canvas. Through the power of our thoughts, intentions, and actions, we have the ability to shape and manifest the reality we desire, painting a vibrant and fulfilling life upon the canvas of our existence.”

– Neville Goddard

These quotes really resonate.  Understanding their meanings will place you on the right path whether it’s self-discovery or you’re looking to make a big shift in your life towards your desires.

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